b. Super speed USB microcontroller programmer schematic

Super Speer USB programmer is besed on a preprogrammed PIC18F24J50. Time critical functions were moved to firmware therefore the programmer is more than 60 times faster. Programming PIC18F24J50 with 16kB of program code takes only about 4 seconds. Programming PIC18F26J50 with 64kB of program code takes only about 11 seconds.


It is important to use a 4 MHz crystal resonator. To obtain HEX, DLL and EXE files for PIC18F24J50 or PIC18F26J50 go to DOWNLOADS section and download package Pic Programmer v2.9.9 (x64).zip. This file also works on K8055 board as a replacement SW which vastly extends the board functionality. Click here for PIC Programmer application instruction manual.

Super speed PIC18F2xJxx microcontroller programmer schematic. Click on the picture to enlarge it.

- High programming voltage adapter add-on: Programming of PIC18F2550 with 16 kB of program code takes only about 5 seconds.

Super speed PIC18F2xJxx microcontroller programmer photo. Click on the photo to enlarge it.