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1. Microcontroller programmers
@.WINDOWS APPLICATIONS for Microcontroller Programmers
a. Simple USB microcontroller programmer schematics
b. Super speed USB microcontroller programmer schematic
c. Simple, fast and super speed microcontroller programmers based on Velleman K8055 and K8055N board
d. High programming voltage adapter for Super speed microcontroller programmer
e. Super speed reconfigurable USB microcontroller programmer software
f. Super speed microcontroller programmer software development kit (SDK)
g. Super speed microcontroller programmers can be used with PIC18F24J50, too!
j. ICSP Programmer for PIC32 microcontroller family
2. Home automation
@. How to start automating your home?
a. Home appliances and lighting control
b. Switches and digital sensors hook-up
c. Temperature and illumination measurement and control
@. Software application for temperature measurement
i. Thermometer application with multiple temperature sensors
ii. Illumination measurement application with multiple light sensors
iii. Thermostat that precisely controls your refrigerator internal temperature and extends its operating range below 16°C
v. 16-bit thermometer and thermostat: DigiTM application with source code
vi. ADT7410 & PIC32MX250F128B: 16-bit digital thermometer
d. Remote control via intranet and internet
e. Real time clock (RTC) and timed operations
f. Runo4 Home Safeguard Application
h. Innovative UPS for small home applications, mini PCs and notebooks
i. Wireless home network setup
3. Digital oscilloscope
a. Simple PC digital oscilloscope
b. Digital oscilloscope application that uses a microcontroller
c. 1 Msps modular oscilloscope for everyone
4. Velleman experiment boards K8055 and K8055N upgrade projects
@. How to replace K8055D.DLL and keep existing programming?
@@. Full 32-bit and 64-bit DLL support for original Vellaman K8055 and K8055N firmware
a. PIC18F24J50 firmware upgrade or replacement with preprogrammed PIC18F26J50 adds many new functionalities
aa. PIC32MZ2048ECH100 to Velleman K8055-1 experiment board adapter
ab. PIC32MZ2048ECH100 to Velleman K8055N-2 experiment board adapter
b. Turn K8055 or K8055N into a microcontroller programmer
c. K8055 upgrade from PIC16C745 to PIC18F24J50 or PIC18F26J50
d. Can I replace PIC18F24J50 with more powerful PIC18F26J50?
e. How many K8055 and K8055N boards can I connect to a PC?
f. Can I remotely control K8055 or K8055N compatible board through internet or intranet?
g. Do K8055 and K8055N boards run at 16 MHz?
h. It is really easy to add an illumination sensor to a K8055 or a K8055N board!
i. Connecting K8067 temperature sensors to K8055 and K8055N boards
j. K8055 and K8055N x64 DLL for 64-bit Windows
k. DC motor control (robotics) with K8055 or K8055N board
l. Enhanced 16-bit hardware counters support (robotics)
m. How to read PWM temperature from Velleman K6001 kit?
n. Exploring SK9 connector on Velleman K8055N board: Can it be used for programming the microcontroller “on the fly” by another K8055N board?
o. Getting two Velleman K8055N-2 boards to program each other “on the fly” via SK9 connectors
p. SK9 connector on Velleman K8055N board is PICkit 2 and PICkit 3 ready!
q. Velleman K8055-1 experiment board to 32-bit PIC32MX250F128B/PIC32MX270F256B and 16-bit PIC24FJ64GB002 adapter schematic
r. Velleman K8055N board to 32-bit PIC32MX250F128B/PIC32MX270F256B and 16-bit PIC24FJ64GB002 adapter schematic
s. K8055 and K8055N to 16-bit ADT7410 temperature sensor I2C bus adapter
t. Connect 16-bit ADT7410 temperature sensor directly to your K8055 or K8055N (no modification to the board)
u. 8-channel low frequency PWM generator
v. PIC18F26J50 32-bit low frequency PWM generator
w. Velleman K8055 (K8055-1) USB experiment board easy upgrade
x. Impulse width measurement: ECCP PWM Meter Example for PIC18F2550, PIC18F24J50 and PIC18F26J50
y. Wireless data transfer and signal frequency and phase measurement with PIC32MX250F128B: standalone or on adapter to K8055-1 or K8055N-2 experiment board
z. VU meter
@@. PC USB Projects HEX Editor v3.0
Adding ESP32-CAM to a helicopter model
Mounting a camera to a drone
a. PROGRAMMING GUIDE: How to start programming PIC18F2xJ50 or PIC18F2550?
aa. PROGRAMMING GUIDE: PIC32 microcontroller programing in VB.NET
b. Basic circuit for PIC18F24J50 or PIC18F26J50 to work over USB
ba. User functions support
bb. PIC18 in-circuit programming/debugging header for PICkit2 and PICkit3
bc. Universal DLL for all microcontrollers supported by PC USB Projects
bd. Unified PC USB Projects DLL v6.2 for all microcontrollers
be. PIC18F2xJ50 Digital Clock with LCD example
bf. Packet based wireless communications
bh. Modular Weather Station Project (v1.0 and v2.0)
bi. Basic circuit for PIC18F4550 to work over USB 2.0
bj. Graphics LCD with touchscreen
bj.1. GLCD I2C slave functionality
bk. PIC32MZ2048ECx100 - 100-pin PIM basic USB circuit
bl. PIC32 remote controlled robot project
bm. LEGO remote controlled truck v1.0, v2.1, v2.2, v2.3 and v2.4 (RC LEGO TRUCK)
bn. Analog position encoder (for LEGO remote controlled truck)
c. Need more speed? Here is a basic circuit for PIC18F24J50 and PIC18F26J50
cb. PIC32 USB to RS-232 TTL communication bridge
ct. Handy miniature COVID-19 LED lamp
d. MCP2200 programming: Is it possible?
e. Advantages of PIC18F24J50 and PIC18F26J50
eb. ESP32-Ethernet to Wi-Fi bridge
ef. Adding a flash memory (SD card) card to ESP8266-13 module
eg. ESP32-CAM secure offline video recorder
er. Secure ESP32 Internet Radio with wired Ethernet connection
es. Programming ESP8266-13 with MCP2200 USB to TTL RS-232 communication bridge
f. Multithreading support
fc. Fake video camera to scare off burglars, thieves and chasers
g. Create a remote control client-server application
h. Controlling PIC18F2xJ50 via an ASP.NET website
i. 64-bit application support
io. Tractor model IoT conversion
j. PIC18F24J50 firmware v2.0 is now available!
k. PIC18F24J50, PIC18F26J50 and PIC18F2550 firmwares v2.5 with thermostat support
l. DC motor controller (robotics)
m. Frequency and impulse width measurement
mp. ESP32-CAM Music Player
n. Saving power with p-MOSFET switches
o. Basic circuit for PIC32MX2xxFxxxB and PIC24FJxxGB002 to work over USB with an 8.000000 MHz crystal resonator
og. ESP32 OGG SoundRecorder
p. Digital to analog converter (DAC) based on PWM
pm. Hardware Password Manager
pr. PIC32 USB-to-RS232 bridge / programmer
q. Basic circuit for PIC32MX2xxFxxxB and PIC24FJxxGB002 to work over USB with a 20 MHz external oscillator
r. PICkit 3 header for PIC32MXxxxFxxxB programming
s. PIC32MX250F128B/PIC32MX270F256B USB Setup Utility v2.0 with source code
sa. ATSAMV71 Xplained Ultra and SAMV71Q21B SUPPORT
sc. ESP32-CAM based secure flash LED camera
sr. PIC32MX Sound Recorder
t. Microsoft Visual Basic.NET support for PIC32MX250F128B, PIC32MX270F256B, PIC32MZ2048ECH100 and PIC32MZ2048ECH144 (PIC32MZ EC Starter Kit)
u. PICkit 3 header for PIC18F2xJ50 programming
v. Wireless communications
w. PIC32 and Internet of Things (IoT)
z. Up to 9 channel 32-bit arbitrary frequency PWM generation with PIC32MXF128B output compare units
Internet of Things (IoT)
Modular weather station
Remote controlled robot
LEGO remote controlled truck
LL. LED lighting controller
7. TIPS & TRICKS & Troubleshooting
@. My web browser does not display all the contents on this website
a. Some samples don’t work! Do I have to install additional software?
aa. How to execute code from PIC32 RAM?
ab. PIC18F2550 asynchronous counter 1 (timer 3) workaround
ac. How to get PIC18 SPI interface working?
ad. How to get PIC32 SPI interface working?
ae. How to properly configure RFM69CW wireless transceiver and transfer data?
af. Fully parameterized software I2C bus support (PIC18F26J50 firmware v2.6.10 or later)
ah. Can a PIC32 microcontroller work as a USB flash RAM stick?
aj. How to program PIC32MZ EC Starter Kit with PICkit3?
ak. How to revive a stuck PIC32MZ EC Starter Kit?
al. How to get the latest PE for a custom PIC32 programmer?
an. How to enable file system support on a USB MSD device?
ao. Is it truly possible to use LEGO Power Functions with LEGO Mining truck (42035) set?
ap. How to write and test your first program for Microchip MPLAB Xpress Evaluation Board?
aq. Can Modular weather station control a robot?
ar. How to read an SD card with PIC32MZ EC Sarter Kit with Starter Kit I/O Expansion board?
b. How to download Windows 7 SDK and .NET 4.0 together?
c. A network application fails or refuses to connect! What can I do?
d. Is PC USB Projects website also about PIC USB Projects?
e. How do I use PIC18FxxJ50 A/D converter with USB memory read (DateMemRead) and write (DataMemWrite) commands?
f. Switching another PC and its attached devices on and off via USB
g. Can two PIC microcontrollers communicate with each other via USB?
h. Will I benefit, if I use PIC24 or even PIC32 microcontroller instead of PIC18?
How to: PIC32MZ EC Starter Kit or other development board suddenly stopped connecting to my PC via USB
i. How to make a self-powered protoboard with a microcontroller tester?
j. Does programming of 32-bit PIC32 microcontrollers differ from programming of 8-bit PIC18 and earlier microcontrollers?
k. Is JTAG protocol difficult to implement? Is programming PIC24 and PIC32 difficult?
l. How the two-stage PIC24 and PIC32 flash RAM programming is done?
m. Is it possible to program flash RAM “on the fly”, while the microcontroller is running?
n. What ID data is stored in a PIC32 microcontroller?
o. Is Microchip PIC32 Flash Programming Specification faulty?
ot.Make a USB 2.0 OTG male type-A to male type-A cable and flush ANDROID OS
p. Getting PIC32 program executive up and running!
r.Removing and reusing Wi-Fi/Bluetooth modules from modern single-board PCs
q. Can all PIC32 programmer pseudo operations be implemented as one firmware function?
r. Searching for the right PIC32 Program Executive (PE)
s. What are the basic functions of a PIC24 or PIC32 Program Executive (PE)?
t. Is a DDL for a PIC32 to connect to a PC via USB different from the PIC18 DLL?
u. Is it difficult to get USB working on PIC32MX250F128B?
v. How setting the right oscillator configuration defers on PIC18 and PIC32?
w. Making a PIC32 programmer considerations
x. How to make a 32-bit PIC32MX250F128B or PIC32MX270F256B (PIC32) microcontroller to work on USB 2.0
y. Using I2C bus
z. Tips on making a fail-safe thermostat with 16-bit digital temperature sensors
8. Starter kits
b. SV PIC18F2xJ50 STARTER KIT SCHEMATIC – alternative 1
c. SV PIC18F2xJ50 STARTER KIT SCHEMATIC – alternative 2
9. Raspberry Pi Projects
a. Programming ESP32 module with RPi
b. Wi-Fi remote ON/OFF controller
11. Expert advice
a. My K8055N board does not connect to a PC. What can I do?
aa. Is a RAM based USB PIC programmer possible?
ab. Why PIC18FxxJxx microcontrollers are superior to PIC18Fxxxx microcontrollers?
ac. Is ARM Cortex-M0 more powerful than Microchip PIC32?
ad. Is it better to start with a microcontroller chip or a microcontroller module?
ae. How does Intel Galileo compare to PIC32, Arduino projects and Raspberry Pi?
af. Is ATmega328P just a toy compared to PIC32MX250F128B/PIC32MX270F256B?
ag. How to program PIC32MX270F256B? Is it really more difficult than PIC32MX250F128B programming?
ah. How to connect a 4-wire resistance touchscreen to a PIC microcontroller?
ai. How to display text on a graphics display?
aj. Building a simple Weather station
ak. What are PIC32MZ2048EC advantages?
al. How to connect PIC32MZ2048ECH100 PIM to a standard PCB or Velleman K8055N-2 experiment board?
am. How to get PIC32MZ2048ECH100 working on USB?
an. How to make a large (flash) RAM drive with 1 MB or more inside a microcontroller?
ao. Which USB cable do I need to connect my PIC microcontroller to a PC?
ap. How to tackle Hi-Speed USB problems on PIC32MZ EC microcontrollers?
ar. How to integrate Microchip GestIC technology into Microsoft.NET applications
b. Buying a PIC programmer
c. Connecting a 32-bit PIC to a K8055 or K8055N experiment board
d. Soldering an SMD device to a standard PCB
e. Programmer or bootloader?
f. PCB or prototyping board?
g. Is modifying K8055 or K8055N board necessary?
h. What are additional functionalities in PIC18F2550, PIC18F2xJ50 and PIC32MX250F128B firmwares on this website compared to the original Velleman firmwares for K8055-1 and K8055N-2?
i. Alternative technique of soldering a low pin count SMD device
j. PIC32MX250F128B configuration samples (*.h files for C-language applications)
k. Modular oscilloscope for everyone
l. Velleman K8055(N) and universal temperature sensor K8067
m. How to program PIC18F24J50 or PIC18F26J50 microcontroller with PICkit 3 programmer/debugger?
n. Can I have source code?
o. How to achieve high speed communication between a PIC microcontroller and a PC via USB?
p. Kit, basic circuit or PCB?
q. My computer won't recognize my Velleman PIC programmer
r. How to set the PWM prescaler value and drive a stepper motor...
s. Is a PIC32 microcontroller truly an overkill for a trivial application compared to a PIC18 microcontroller?
t. Is 10-bit A/D conversion on a Velleman K8055 or K8055N experiment board truly achievable?
u. Can I use J chips on an unmodified K8055 board? Can I possibly use full speed USB with an unmodified K8055 board?
v. Is an experiment board kit with 32-bit PIC32MX250F128B microcontroller possible in the future?
w. Is an assembly language superior to C language or C++ when programming modern 32-bit microcontrollers?
x. How does PIC32MX250F128B/PIC32MX270F256B compare to PIC18F24J50 and PIC18F25K50?
y. Is it possible to inbuilt artificial intelligence i.e. self-learning features into a microcontroller?
z. How does PC USB Projects compare to Arduino projects?
Download firmware and tools for the Power On Manager
PC USB Projects (c) 2023
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