
Fire has a wealth of information for communities and homeowners is a great new local resource focused on "Eco Appropriate Homescaping for Wildfire Resisiance"

FireWise Communities (more good information for homeowners)

The California Fire Safe Council (our state-wide parent organization, with a section devoted to homeowner safety).

FireSafe Marin (our neighbors to the north have great info on home hardening)

Wildfire Prepared Home (The Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS) launched a new program called the Wildfire Prepared Home. "Wildfire Prepared Home™ is a voluntary, research-based mitigation program designed to meaningfully reduce wildfire risk."

Topanga Download the Topanga Survival Guide Here

Insurance Institute For Business & Home Safety Good, detailed info on how to protect your home against wildfire.

SOS Products and Preparedness Supplies

Don't Plant A Pest (good information on fire-resistant native plants)

L.A. County Fire Department Our local fire department's website. A great resource

Living With Fire (another great information source from Nevada, which was affected by the Lake Tahoe Fire in 2007 )

Cal Fire (information on fire safety, the state fire plan and resource management programs)

US Forest Service Active Fire Maps Nationwide info about current and past wildfires