17 November 2019: L.A. County: "After Action Review of the Woolsey Fire Incident"

Post date: Nov 30, 2019 7:37:46 PM

Check out the "After Action Review of the Woolsey Fire Incident" . From the report website: "In the wake of the Woolsey Fire in November 2018, LA County hired a firm with expertise in wildfire analysis to review the causes and origins of the fire, the deployment of firefighting resources, the distribution and adequacy of firefighting resources, including water, evacuation notification and procedures, strategic communications during the fire and its aftermath, and community repopulation notification and procedures, as well as to outline steps we must take in order to better ensure community safety in light of heightened fire risk. The draft report of findings is now public."

The fifth near-term recommendation (at the top of page 9): "Address the impact of long-distance fire storm ember spotting through education and an emphasis on using layered buffer zones, including appropriate vegetation mitigations, improving soil moisture, and structure hardening techniques."