2012 Fire Season Predicted to Start Earlier

Post date: Jun 12, 2012 5:26:59 PM

A report from the National Interagency Fire Services produced in April predicts fire danger for 2012. This report predicted the wildfires currently in New Mexico and Colorado. Here is a brief excerpt:

"For the 2012 fire season expect areas of ab

ove normal significant fire potential to include, portions of Arizona and western New Mexico stretching up the Rocky Mountains and encompassing portions of western Colorado and south central Wyoming. Another area of above normal significant fire potential is likely to develop from the southern California mountains and stretch northward across western Nevada and into southeastern Oregon and southwest Idaho". The report validates everything we've heard from the experts about our low rainfall this year and it's effect on the level of fire danger. A second report, by the University of Utah, and Robert Taylor, (who spoke at our first lecture on fire ecology) predicts fire danger in the Santa Monica Mountains by analyzing 59 fires from 1984 to 2005. The report validates the fact that low moisture levels in vegetation can predict the intensity of a fire season. And this year’s forecast says the highest risk fire period will begin July 13. Weeks earlier than usual. The time to prepare is now. Make sure your home is "hardened" against embers and firebrands. Manage your vegetation and create defensible space. This can be a good summer project for us all, to be ready for the most dangerous part of the fire season in the fall.