Restoring our Oak Woodland: 34 oaks planted at TCC!

Post date: Feb 13, 2014 4:29:20 PM

We were happy to see such a great turnout for the oak planting at the Topanga Community Club. Thanks to all the volunteers for their ongoing commitment to restoring our Oak Woodland! We have a limited number of oak saplings still available. Email firesafe@ntcfsc if you are interested in plnating an oak on your property!

Here's an excerpt from the February 13, 2014 issue of the Topanga Messenger (Click Here for the full article)

Topanga, CA—On Saturday, January 25, a group of 48 volunteers gathered for a community event at the Topanga Community Club (TCC) to plant 34 Coast Live Oak saplings to replace the trees that were recently removed through a grant to the North Topanga Canyon Fire Safe Council (NTCFSC). Six of those trees still need to be adopted. Participants included the parents and children of the Topanga Youth Wildlife Project, members of the NTCFSC, TCC, Topanga Creek Watershed Committee (TCWC) and the Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains (RCDSMM) and the Topanga Stream Team.