5. Multipurpose Nursery Room

Who can use the multipurpose nursery room?

NIG employees, faculty, students and other people approved by the Director of the NIG Diversity $ Inclusion Office


General uses of the multipurpose nursery room

1. Temporary childcare

2. Meetings and activities of the Diversity $ Inclusion Office

3. Meetings, workshops and networking events by other NIG groups

4. Other uses approved by the Director of the NIG Diversity $ Inclusion Office

Use for #1 and #2 is prioritized. When you want to use the room for #3 or #4, please contact the NIG Diversity $ Inclusion Office in advance.


When using the multipurpose nursery room

1. Make a reservation for the date and time needed using the online calendar. The use for childcare is prioritized. If the web calendar is fully booked, feel free to contact the NIG Diversity $ Inclusion  Office. We will rearrange the schedule.

2. For childcare use, please submit the application plan form by e-mail to the NIG Diversity $ Inclusion Office. Urgent requests will be responded to promptly.

3. The room is usually locked. Please receive the room key at the Property Management Office in advance. After use, please return all equipment and lock the room.


Where is the multipurpose nursery room?

Ask the NIG Diversity $ Inclusion  Office.


Freely Available Equipment

Toys and books for children, wireless internet access, monitors and a printer for desk work, white board, tables, and a projector and screen for small meetings are available.

The equipment was mostly donated by volunteers who support activities at NIG. Please use it with care.


See Guidance for the multipurpose nursery room for more detail.

See also Frequently Asked Questions.