4. Temporary Childcare Support at NIG

The NIG Gender Quality Office organizes three temporary childcare programs as follows:

(1) During NIG special events, including the NIG open house, NIG retreat, entrance exam and graduate student recruiting events

When working during the above events on the weekend or at places where regular childcare is not available, temporary childcare by dispatch sitters is provided at the Multi-Purpose Nursery Room at NIG or another location. This support is available to any NIG employee regardless of sex or occupation.

The required cost is basically covered by NIG. If it exceeds the upper limit, a partial payment may be requested from the users.

Please submit an application to the NIG Gender Equality Office one month prior to the event requiring childcare support.

(2) When public nursery school (HOIKUSHO) or afterschool center (GAKUDO) is closed on NIG working days

Public nursery and afterschool centers around NIG are closed sometimes (e.g. the end or beginning of each school year, year-end, New Year and mid-summer holidays, bad weather conditions, etc.), but NIG is still open for work. To meet the demand in these situations, temporary childcare by dispatch sitters is provided at the multipurpose nursery room at NIG. This support is available to any NIG employee regardless of sex or occupation.

As this is considered support for personal issues, the cost is funded exclusively by donations from volunteer sponsors. Individual payments are not requested. As the donation fund is limited, we appreciate any contribution.

Staring from the mid-summer holiday in 2016, 29 employees have used this childcare support so far for 16 days (as of FY2018).

The NIG Gender Equality Office surveys the demand for temporary childcare via e-mail on each occasion. Please reply to the e-mail by the specified deadline if you need such support.

See here for information about temporary childcare when schools or daycare is closed due to bad weather conditions such as typhoons.

(3) For participants in NIG Research Meetings from outside organizations

Temporary childcare is provided for outside researchers who participate in NIG research meetings or NIG International Symposium.

Please contact the NIG Gender Equality Office for more information. We request that applications be submitted one month prior to the actual meeting.

The required cost is basically covered by NIG. If it exceeds the upper limit, a partial payment may be requested.

Here are reports by two researchers who used this support:

Report #1 (Japanese)

Report #2 (Japanese)

The multipurpose nursery room is available for personal use for childcare by your family members or family support center. See this page for details.

Please see FAQs about Temporary Childcare Support

If you have any comments, suggestions or inquiries, please feel free to contact us at danjo-nig@nig.ac.jp.