2. Message from the NIG Diversity $ Inclusion  Office

    I joined the NIG Diversity $ Inclusion Office  at the halfway point through the Promotion Program for Female Researchers launched by the Research Organization of Information and Systems (ROIS), which NIG belongs to. When this program ended in AY2017, we decided to adjust our activities to the needs of those at NIG and changed the name of the office from Female Researcher Support to Gender Equality to reflect our more generalized goal. Currently, our primary focus is practical support for all workers at NIG.

    As a researcher, I personally hope to encourage female researchers through our activities (e.g., career building seminars, women researchers’ association, childcare support at NIG research meetings, etc.). In addition, from my experience at NIG over the years, I have realized that NIG research activity is supported by many people in different occupations; therefore, broader support is needed not only for researchers, but also for the majority of NIG employees (See Statistical Data about Gender Equality at NIG).

    Regardless of gender or occupation, everyone should be able to fulfill their unique potential and their performance should be evaluated fairly. Our mission is to realize this principle by creating an environment in which all workers at NIG can fully exercise their abilities.

    If you have any requests, inquiries or opinions, please feel free to contact danjo-nig@nig.ac.jp.



Director of the NIG Diversity $ Inclusion Office

Request for donations