Study Break

Thoughts on becoming involved in Hospital Committees

"If you don’t have a seat at the table, you are probably on the menu.”

- by Elizabeth Warren Sen D Massachusetts (2014 not the first one )

Thoughts on Advice

"Wise men don't need it and fools won't heed it."

- Mark Twain??

Halstead and Case Logs

Halstead was a famous surgeon who was born in NYC (in 1852) and went to Columbia Medical School, graduating in 1877 and spent some of his career at RH (from about 1880 to1888)! He became the first Chief of Surgery at Johns Hopkins, when it opened in 1889 and amongst his accomplishments, started the first surgical residency program. He apparently formulated the idea for wearing gloves during surgery. He wrote that "The operating room is a laboratory of the highest order." One should consider your case log and accompanying notes as your lab notebook.

Real medical school question on a surgery rotation (around 1982):

Q: Where did Halstead have his shirts laundered?

A: Paris!

Ben Franklin on Humility

When Ben Frnklin was 20, he apparently wanted to work on improving himself by focusing on one virtue a week. One virtue was humility. At the end of the week he felt that he had some success with the appearance of being humble if not actually being humble. He found this beneficial as he began to have “much Weight with . . . Fellow Citizens” in civic and political matters. I paraphrase this as "Acting humble gives me the benefits of being humble". How could this apply to Radiology Residents? Sometimes acting interested will give you the same benefits as being interested!

. . . And a Diagnostic Test Was Performed

N Engl J Med 2005; 353:2089-2090

Random Gunderman Article (attached)

Engineering and Radiology