Nolan J. Kagetsu, MD, FACR

My bio:

I am a neuroradiologist based at Mount Sinai West in NYC. I've been in NYC since I started residency so my PGY years are the same as my NYC years (40 as of July 1, 2023).

I did my fellowship in diagnostic and interventional radiology at NYU and was able to learn from Alex Berenstein. My first year as an attending (1990-1991) was as his junior partner!

In 1991, I moved to Roosevelt Hospital (now Mount Sinai West) and have been there ever since. When Alex Berenstein moved to Roosevelt in 2005, I hung up my catheters and let him do all angio/neuroIR.  We became part of the Mount Sinai Health System in 2015.

I'm on:




Here is a link to my CV:

I've given talks on a variety of topics:

Unconscious Bias

Unconscious Bias, Microaggressions, How to Be an Ally 

Neuroradiology Board Review

Neuroradiology Horror Stories


I've made companion webpages for many of these talks

Please let me know if you would like me to speak at your institution.

Please let me know if you have any questions/comments.

Nolan Kagetsu, MD, FACR, DABR

This site was originally intended for use by the residents of St. Luke's-Roosevelt, now Mount Sinai West!  Hopefully there will be something of interest for others as well.

Please do not consider this an authoritative source or a source of medical advice.

"Pass on what you have learned."

                                       -Yoda, Return of the Jedi [episode VI](1983)

MSW residents,

Please try to review the clinical parts of this site. Items in italic font are things that I find interesting but are not required for you to know. Consider regular font things that you must know. This largely complements the things that the ABR thinks you should know as well. 

To the residents who say they will try to review the site, remember these words of wisdom:

Yoda: Always with you it can not be done. Hear you nothing that I say? You must unlearn what you have learned.

Luke: Alright, I'll give it a try

Yoda: NO!. Try not! Do.... or do not. There is no try.

                                         - The Empire Strikes Back [Episode V](1980)

"Well I don't care about history, cause that's not where I wanna be"

                                                  -Jeffrey Ross Hyman aka Joey Ramone, Rock 'n Roll High School (1979)

Of course now the Ramones are history. (I had seen the Ramones in person in Boston.) I have included some historical items in this website.