US Promo Cassette

Year: 1997

Format: Cassette

Country: US

Record Label: Geffen

Catalog No:  7040 / 7268 / 7343

Bar Code: N/A

Notes:  There are at least three different promos on cassette, each with different identifying numbers: (top) #7040, (middle) #7268, (bottom) #7343.  Note the 'NOT MASTERED' (top) vs. unmarked (middle) vs. 'FINAL' (bottom).

Also note that US releases of Static (cassette and CD), included an extra track compared to UK/European releases (So Much) and altered the track order of the latter half of the album (Cry is track 7, So Much is track 11).   The various advance releases of Static in the US seem to indicate that Geffen had planned this from the beginning - track order seems consistent throughout all known US promo and advance copy issues.