Rock Over London 1992 (US Radio CD)

Year of Release: 1992

Format: Radio CD

Record Label: Radio Ventures

Catalogue No: 

Country of Origin: USA

Notes: 'Rock Over London' Radio Show CD featuring The SUNDAYS, with other artists.  Exclusive interview segments mixed in with LP audio tracks.  Exact catalog number and broadcast date unconfirmed but should be close to/within range of November 1992.  Hard to find.  Images above are just examples of what the radio show, in general, should look like, taken from the interweb.

Sent to US radio stations that subscribed to the show, 'Rock Over London' was the US version of the popular UK radio show, produced by Radio Ventures on a weekly basis, complete with DJ/host and predetermined commmercials.  These CDs typically come housed in a Rock Over London logo paper sleeve, accompanied with a 8.5" x 11" b&w, multi-page cue sheet containing all the track listings and lead-ins.