Learning Ability Links

People with learning disabilities have many abilities to learn.  This page contains links to sites with information about learning disabilities and conditions that might make it more difficult for people to succeed in a traditional school environment.

The information provided on web sites may be of personal value, but it does not substitute for the services of a school psychologist or a special education teacher. Web pages cannot diagnosis a learning disability or provide an educational plan that can assist a learning disabled student. Those things can only be done by trained professionals. Not all information on web sites is accurate. Internet information on learning disabilities needs to be confirmed by a professional.

Some of the web sites sell products that might be of assistance to people with learning disabilities. Consult a qualified special education teacher or a school psychologist before purchasing any services.

General Links. These links are a good place to start doing research.

Famous People With Learning Disabilities. Page lists a few of the famous people thought to have had learning disabilities. The list includes people such as Albert Einstein and Dwight D. Eisenhower. This page may help people with learning disabilities understand that they are talented and capable people.

Guide to Students with Learning Disabilities. Australian National University web site. Discusses what learning disabilities are, common indicators of learning disabilities, general teaching strategies, helpful testing conditions and some general strategies learning disabled students can use.

A Handbook for Parents of Children with Special Needs. Alberta Learning, Government of Alberta, publication.

Information about Learning Disabilities. Portland Community College web page. Gives brief introduction to learning disabilities.

WebMD. Site has health information. To search for information about a learning disability, use the site's search engine. For example, to find more information about Attention Deficit Disorder, type ADD.

Learning Disabilities Links

Autism Today.

British Institute of Learning Disabilities.

Child Development Institute - Parenting Information. Site has information on a lot of different topics, including Child Development, Parenting, Child Psychology, Teenagers, Health, Safety and Learning Disabilities including Attention Deficit Disorder and Dyslexia.

Council for Learning Disabilities. U.S. site. International organization. Has information sheets on Asperger Syndrome, helpful technology, college opportunities, reading comprehension, reading fluency, reading vocabulary and reading word identification. Supports three journals.

Dyslexia The Gift.

Grammatical Support Tools. Univeristy of Toronto web site. Links to software programs that can help people with grammar.

Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario.

Learning Disabilities Online. Has general and more in-depth articles on different learning disabilities. The in-depth section has numerous articles on topics such as ADD/ADHD, I.E.P., self-esteem, adult issues, legal & legislative issues, social skills, assessment, special education, behavior and discipline, math skills, speech & language, early identification, parenting, teachers, family relationships, post-secondary education, technology, foreign language, acquisition, processing deficits, reading and writing.

Learning Disabilities Resource Community. Canadian web site. Has information about learning Disabilities.

Learning Disabilities Association of Canada. Bilingual site.

Learning Disabilities. Web pages part of About.com. Articles about learning disabilities, with links to more specialized articles.

Learning Disability Pride. British Columbia web site. Organization attempts to promote the well-being of adults with learning disabilities and AD and ADHD. Information on learning disabilities.

National Association for Learning Disabilities. Information about learning styles, dyslexia, ADD and ADHD.

Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities

Smart Kids With Learning Disabilities. Information on learning disabilities. Strategies for teachers. Excellent section titled "Things I Wish I'd Known About Learning Disabilities.