Self-Improvement Links


Anger Management

Communication & Anger Management

Careers Links

A career is more than an occupation or a job.  A career includes everything we do in life.  This page has links that can be applied to almost every aspect of a person's career.  may be of value to people taking courses such as Career & Life Management, Career Transitions, Community Health, Physical Education, or any course requiring occupational research.

Careers & Interest Inventories

Career and Occupational Information. Has links to Alberta Government, British Columbia occupational information. The occupational information includes duties, working conditions, skills, education, job outlook, salary and related careers. There is also Government of Ontario and Government Canada occupational information and links.

-Interest Inventories

An interest does not tell you what to do. Interest inventories only compare your interests with the interests of people working in a career area. Online interest inventories may not be as thorough as written interest inventories. Try completing several interest inventories. See how the results compare. Before making any career decisions, you should discuss the results of the interest inventories with a qualified guidance, career or vocational counsellor.

Canada Prospects. Complete Numbers 4 to 9 (Steps 1 and on). Evaluates values, abilities and interests.

Career Interests Game. Site gives descriptions of each of the Holland personality types and occupations people with those personalities might enjoy. Clicking on the occupations takes you to a United States Department of Labor web site that describes the occupation. Information on pay and job opportunities on the site might not be accurate for people living in Canada.

CareerPerfect. Quick Work Preference Inventory.

Career Planning. For interest inventory, click on Discover Yourself. Site has self-assessment exercises covering attitudes, interests, values, life-style preferences and skills.

My Future Web Site. Free internet interest inventory using the Holland classification system. Click on "Take the Test."

Schoolfinder. Must sign up to take the interest inventory.

Self-Directed Search. Online interest inventory. There is a charge for this online inventory.

Tickle Tests. Free online interest inventory.

TeamMinistries. Spiritual gift inventories are a tool to help people discover their spiritual gifts. This site may help people determine what leisure activities they might like to do. This site is of interest to religious people.

Community Agency Directory

Edmonton - The Support Network. Lists community agencies, social service agencies, emergency agencies, colleges and other agencies in the Edmonton area and for some rural locations in Northern Alberta.

Calgary - InformCalgary. Directory of community, health and social service agencies in the Calgary region. Search by alphabetical listing or key words.


Cultural Links. The page has links to web sites offering information about different cultures.

Independent Living

Independent Living Links. These links connect you with web sites that provide information on the cost and availability of housing in different cities in Canada. The site also links to department stores, so students can check the cost of purchasing household supplies, clothes and other items.

Learning Disabilities

Learning Disability Links. Page has links to web sites about learning disabilities and attention deficit.

Job Search Sites

Job Search Sites

Resume Writing Sites

Job Safety

Job Safety - Youth Awareness Program. Bilingual site. Information about job safety that is of value to young employees.

Health, Fitness and Safety Links

Disease and Condition Links. The page has links to web sites offering information about different diseases and conditions. Links are also provided to Government web sites, outlining Government services available.

High School Diploma Links

High School Equivalency Diploma. Page describes the requirements for the Alberta High School Equivalency Diploma.