Safe Schools Links

These links contain information that can be of value to parents and to students attending school. The links examine some of the causes of school violence and ways violence can be reduced. Most of the sites have information from the United States. Some of that information can be helpful for the Canadian scene.

A rainbow is made up of many colors. Together, those colors are beautiful and is represented in the Bible as a sign of assurance from God. Schools have a beautiful diversity of people. That diversity needs to be protected.

Anger Management. Information about one method of dealing with anger and links to internet sites that have information on anger management.

Assertive communication and anger management.

Christian perspective on assertive communication and anger management.

Committee for Children. Links to information on bullying. Links to sites on bullying and sexual harassment in schools.

Diversity, Equity and Human Rights - Sexual Orientation. Alberta Teachers' Association web site. Site answers commonly asked questions about providing safe learning environments for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered students. Also has news, resources, research articles and other valuable information.

Mothers Against Violence in America. Organization dedicated to preventing violence against children. Site has links to numerous sites related to safe schools.

National Education Association Safe Schools. Has links to sites about safe schools.

Online Journal of Peace & Conflict Resolution. Free journal for students, teachers and professionals in fields related to conflict resolution.

Safe and Caring Schools - Newfoundland, Canada Government web site. Site has links to numerous related articles and web sites.

Safe and Caring Schools & Communities - Alberta, Canada organization. Safe and Caring Schools and Communities attempts to reduce bullying and violence by promoting character education, conflict management, and respect for diversity. Web site has lesson plans that help promote safe and caring school communities. The lesson plans fit the Alberta curriculum.

Safe Child Program. Non-profit organization. Information on characteristics of bullies and victims of bullies, preventing bullying, risk management for schools and organizations, internet safety and sexual abuse, physical abuse and emotional abuse.

Steps to Recovery from Bible Abuse. Numerous articles on dealing with Bible Abuse.

Stop Bullying. Information about bullying and links to resources.

Stop the Bullying Now. Site has articles about bullying, how to prevent bullying and ways to support the victimes of bullying. Links and a bibliography are provided. Non-profit site. Newsletter about hate crimes and forum.

Students Against Violence Everywhere. This is an excellent site. The site provides sample activities and curriculum for school. Site has non-violent student pledge forms.

World Health Organization - Violence and Injury Prevention. The World Health Organization is a branch of the United Nations. Information on site includes violence against women and children, sexual violence, self-inflicted injuries, accidental injuries and landmine and small arms injuries.

TeachersNet Gazette Articles

The TeachersNet Gazette. Web site has chatrooms, meetings, email discussions for teachers and school administrators. Some of the aritcles on the TeachersNet Gazette that deal with bullying are as follows:

Advice for Parents and Teachers- Article discusses statistics about bullying, characteristics of victims and what parents, teachers and schools can do about bullying.

Bully Advice for Kids - Article is about how it feels to be bullied, why some students become bullies and how to deal with bullies.

Empowering Kids to Deal With Bullies and Low Self-Esteem.

Bullying in Schools - Article discusses the forms of bullying, the extent of bullying, traits of bullies and victims, results of bullying, perceptions of bullying and some intervention programs.

How do you Stop a Bully? - Article gives some practical methods students can use to deal with bullies.

How to Deal With Bullying in Your Classroom - Article has information that can assist teachers and school administrators.