Study Schedule

Your educational goals are very important.  One way to protect your educational goals is to consider education to be very special and to reserve special times and special places for your studies.

Special Location:

Many students find they need to leave the source of interruptions and go to a special place to study.  Some students study in a local public library, a college or university library, or a coffee shop.  Other students have a special place in their home where they are away from the distractions of television, telephones and family interruptions, so they can study.

Special Time:

What appears below is a sample schedule that could be used by a student who is working full-time and taking one 5-credit course in a 5-month semester.  A student studying for 2 hours a day is likely to be able to finish a 5-credit course in about 5 months of studies.

Because students who are studying their courses by distance education or online are often studying at home, where there can be interruptions, it can be important to guard the study schedule, so other activities rarely interrupt studying.  When studying is considered to be as important as a work appointment, it is easier to stick with a study schedule.