
Links to Canadian occupational information are provided. Students living inside Canada should avoid using United States occupational information. Job opportunities and the educational requirements for an occupation vary between Canada and the United States.

As a general rule, students should use the occupational information provided by the province or territory in which they live. Job opportunities and educational requirements can vary from province to province. One comprehensive source of Canadian occupational information is the Alberta Occupational Profiles. Alberta provides descriptions of more occupations than some of the other Canadian provinces and territories.

Students are encouraged to print occupational profiles, to study the information, and to then discuss the information with a guidance counsellor or a career counsellor before making any career decisions. Occupational profiles are not a substitute for good career counselling.

Job Futures Canada. The site provides information about occupational outlooks. By using information on this site, you can get an idea of the projected employment opportunities in various occupations and regions in Canada.

Employment and Immigration Alberta. Government of Alberta website provides publications related to Alberta labor market reviews, Alberta economic outlooks, Alberta labor market projections, and Alberta labor supply and demand outlooks for over 500 occupational areas.

Alberta Occupational Information

British Columbia Occupational Information

Manitoba Columbia Occupational Information

Northwest Territories Occupational Information

Ontario Occupational Information

Prince Edward Island Occupational Information

Quebec Occupational Information

Saskatchewan Occupational Information

Yukon Occupational Information

Occupational Information by Industry