Culture-Related Links

Culture Links

This page has links that may be of value to people taking courses such as Community Health that require doing some research on different cultures.

There can be differences in how a culture is seen by people inside and outside that particular culture. In the case of cultures that cover large geographic territories, there may be wide variations in the culture from one local geographic area to another. The opinions of authors in the different web sites are the private opinions of those authors and those opinions might not be shared by anybody associated with this web site.

Some internet web sites have errors. Care needs to be taken to ensure the articles read and used do not contain serious errors. Students are advised to use several sources of information when researching a topic. Some teachers will require a minimum number of sources. Good students will use more resources than the minimum number the teacher requires.

We hope you will enjoy reading about different cultures and will read material that will help open your mind and your heart to people who may have life styles that are very different than your own life style.

North American Cultures

An American's Guide to Canada. Site has information on some unique elements of Canadian life and some words commonly used in Canada.

The World Fact Book. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) fact sheets on each country.

Cree Culture. Trilingual (English, Cree and French) site has information about the Cree people, language, traditional ways and arts.

Encyclopedia of North American Indians.

The Plains Cree. Site has information about the history, migration, traditional economy, artifacts, social life, religion, ceremonies and other elements of the plains Cree.

South American Cultures

The World Fact Book. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) fact sheets on each country.

Asian Cultures

Asia Travel Information. Web site has short descriptions of numerous Asian countries, including information about festivals, sights, places of interest, weather, business and the economy. A short summary of each country includes information such as the religions, climate, racial groups, languages and type of government. Web site has information about the culture of Cambodia.

Cambodian Information Directory. Site has Cambodian news and articles about Cambodia.

Mekong.Net. Web site has information about the cultures of different countries in the Mekona region of South-east Asia. Link is to the section on Cambodia. Other countries represented include Burma, China, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam.

The World Fact Book. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) fact sheets on each country.

African Cultures

The World Fact Book. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) fact sheets on each country.

Australian Cultures

The World Fact Book. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) fact sheets on each country.

Other Cultures

The World Fact Book. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) fact sheets on each country.

Religion & Culture

Reflections on Muslim Family Issues. Internet article is based on a book. Article describes some elements of traditional Islamic family life.