Disease & Medical Condition Links

The information in the links is not a substitute for a advice from a qualified health-care provider. The information cannot be used to diagnose or treat illnesses. Onlya qualified health-care provider can diagnose and treat medical conditions. Medications, including over-the-counter drugs, should not be taken without consulting an appropriate expert in the health-care system. If you think you know somebody who has a disease, encourage that person to see a physician as soon as possible.

Online Medical Dictionaries

Online Medical Dictionary.

Medline Plus Dictionary.

Medical Dictionary Online.

General Sites

About Health Part of the About.com system. Site has information about many diseases, conditions, disabilities, mental health, addictions, diets, fitness, wellness and related topics.

Canadian Health Network - Funded by Health & Welfare Canada. Information about many diseases and health concerns. WebMD. Site has health information. To search for information about arthritis, use the site's search engine. For example, to find more information about arthritis, type arthritis.

Health and Welfare Canada. Web site has information on many different diseases. This web site is an excellent place to start your search for information on diseases.

Health Central. Web site has information on many different diseases, conditions, and health related issues and topics. This web site provides information on a wide variety of topics.

Specific Sites

Aging and Seniors Web Resources. Health and Welfare Canada web site. Government publications and information on seniors issues. Links to web sites for seniors.

AIDS.ORG. Site contains information about AIDS and treatments for AIDS.

AIDS - The Canadian HIV/AIDS Clearing House. Has online pamphlets in PDF format about HIV/AIDS and related topics.

AIDS Education and Research Trust. Site has information on AIDS, worldwide epidemic, personal stories, the history of HIV/AIDS, information for youth, treatment, free resources.

AIDS - ICare. Organization dedicated to helping care providers understand the spiritual and psychological needs of people with HIV/AIDS. Site has excellent links to sites about AIDS & Sexuality.

Alzheimer's Disease International. British web site. Has information about the rate of Alzheimer's Disease, publications, fact-sheets and links to other sites about Alzheimer's Disease and information for people who are taking care of people with Alzheimer's Disease.

Arthritis Foundation. Page has information for parents of children with arthritis, young adults with arthritis, middle-aged and older people with arthritis and employers of people with arthritis.

Arthritis Foundation. New Zealand foundation. Arthur, a cartoon figure, guides you through an audio-visual orientation to the web site.

Canadian Lung Association. Information about various lung diseases.

Centre for Inherited Disease Research. Has links to web sites related to different types of diseases. Some of those links include the National Cancer Institute and the Institute on Aging.

Congenital Heart Disease Information and Resources. Has links to sites that are of interest to people with heart disease, to families of people with heart disease and to health-care professionals.

Epilepsy Canada. Information, news and links of value to people with epilepsy or with people wanting to do research about epilepsy.

Epilepsy Foundation. Newsletter and information about epilepsy, including an article about managing epilepsy in schools.

Heart Disease and Cardiology. Site has articles on many topics related to heart disease.

Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. Has online articles about Alzheimer's Disease.

Mental Help Net. Has information on abuse, attention deficit disorder (ADD), anxiety, bipolar, depression, eating disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, personality disorders, schizophrenia, sleep problems and suicide.

Mental Illness Network of the United Church of Christ. Signs and symptoms, brief summaries of information on affective disorders, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders and dementias, resources from a secular and a spiritual perspective and a newsletter.

National Institute on Aging. United States Agency. Has links to web sites about aging. Has online information and videos on health issues for older people.

National Institutes for Health. United States Agency. Has links to many United States institutes for various diseases or health concerns.

National Institute of Mental Health. United States Agency. Has information about the more common mental illnesses and disorders.

National Institute on Drug Abuse. United States Agency. Has information about the more commonly abused substances.

Parkinson's Disease Foundation. Has information about Parkinson's Disease and an "Ask the Expert" section.

Sexual and Reproductive Health. Health and Welfare Canada web site. Educational resources, publications and links.

Testicular Cancer Research Center. Information on testicular cancer and testicular self exams.