High School Diploma

The first step in determining what you need to graduate is to get a copy of your high school Transcripts. Students needing to know where to order a copy of their Canadian high school Transcripts can find lists of the Transcripts offices for most of the Canadian provinces and territories on the High School Transcripts Alberta of the Alberta Education site.

Alberta students wanting to purchase a transcript will find it is much easier to obtain a transcript when they know their Alberta Student Number (Alberta Education ID number). Click on the Alberta Education web site and a new window will open. Then you can follow the directions here, with the window open in front of you. In the middle of the page you should see the words Enter Learner Registry. Click there. Once you are in the Learner Registry, click on Lookup ASN. That should be toward the middle of the portion of the page that has text. Then you need to give your name and certify you are the person who is looking up the Alberta Student Number or that you have been authorized to look up that information. Then you will be taken to a page that asks for the student's name, date of birth and gender. When you provide that information, the system will search for the Alberta Student Number. Should the system find the Alberta Student Number, that number will appear in dark blue above the box where the student's name was typed.

One students have their Alberta Student Number, they can go to the Request Documents page of Alberta Education's web site. The Request Documents page outlines the cost of an Official Transcript and has order forms that can be printed off the web site, completed and faxed or mailed to the Transcripts Unit of Alberta Education. A Statement of Courses and Marks can be requested too. While a Statement of Courses and Marks is not an Official Transcript and is not going to be acceptable to use to apply to colleges and universities, the Statement of Courses and Marks shows all of the courses and credits completed. The Statement of Courses and Marks is free and can be used to plan how to complete your High School Diploma. To print off a request form for a Statement of Courses and Marks, click here.

Students who completed part of their high school (Grades 10 to 12) in other provinces can have an Official Transcript evaluated by the principal or designate at a local high school in Alberta. Grades and credits for courses equivalent to the courses taken at accredited Canadian high schools can be placed on the Alberta Transcript. Some schools will only evaluate Transcripts for their own students. Other schools will evaluate the Transcripts for people who are not their students, on the condition that the student pays a fee to have the Transcript evaluated.

Students in Alberta can obtain a High School Diploma or a High School Equivalency Diploma.

Alberta High School Diploma

A link to the requirements for an Alberta High School Diploma can be found by clicking here.

Alberta High School Equivalency Diploma

The High School Equivalency Diploma allows students to obtain credit for maturity, life experiences and courses completed at post-secondary institutions.

Information about the requirements for the Alberta High School Equivalency do not require any special soft ware. The requirements can be obtained by clicking here.

Diploma Shipping Dates

Many students want to know when they will get their Alberta High School Diploma. Several times a year, diplomas are shipped by Alberta Education to eligible students. Information about the diploma shipping dates can be found on the Alberta Education web site.