High School Equivalency Diploma

The requirements for this diploma must be confirmed with the Alberta Government. To confirm the requirements, go to the Alberta Education web site and click on the search link. Then type in "Equivalency Diploma."

Students in Alberta can obtain a traditional High School Diploma. They can also obtain the High School Equivalency Diploma. The High School Equivalency Diploma can be obtained in one of two ways.

1. Completing 100 credits, with at least 60 of those credits coming from High School Courses.

The High School courses must include the following:

A. English 30, English 30-1, English 33 or English 30-2

B. Grade 12 courses other than English 5 credits

C. High School Mathematics Course(s) 5 credits

D. High School Science Course(s)

3 credits

E. Other High School Courses 42 credits

At least 40 other credits, which can come from the following:

A. More High School Courses

B. Approved adult education courses taken from public colleges or universities, college or university credit courses

C. Credits for Maturity

Age 21 to 24 5 credits

Age 25 to 29 10 credits

Age 30 and above 15 credits

D. Credits for Extensive Travel (maximum of 5 credits)

To obtain credits, one must write an essay of a maximum of 500 words describing how the travels helped you appreciate other cultures and life styles and influenced your values.

E. Credits for Extensive Reading (maximum of 5 credits)

To obtain credits, one must write an essay of a maximum of 500 words describing how the books read helped you grow personally or professionally. A few quotes from the books read can be used.

Procedure for Method 1.

Students needing a High School Equivalency Diploma can apply to receive one by asking the principal of an Alberta High School to evaluate their transcript and to request the High School Equivalency Diploma.  Some schools might charge for the service.

2. Passing the GED exam battery.

Exams for the GED can be written at some of the public colleges that offer adult upgrading courses.

Alberta Education web pages describing the GED Exams and giving sample questions found on the GED Exams can be found by clicking here.

Students thinking of writing the GED exam are strongly encouraged to purchase or borrow a book that prepares students for the Canadian GED exams.

Important Note

People wanting to write the GED exams need to be certain the GED will meet their educational goals. Most colleges and universities in Alberta will not accept the GED.

Be sure to talk to a vocational or academic counsellor to ensure the High School Equivalency Diploma or the GED exam approach will help you reach your career goals.

The requirements for this diploma must be confirmed with the Alberta Government. To confirm the requirements, go to the Alberta Education web site and click on the search link. Then type in "Equivalency Diploma."