Job Search Links

Alberta Government Jobs. Alberta Government web site lists the jobs available within the public service of Alberta. This site has valuable information for people doing job searches. This site allows people to look for jobs advertised in major newspapers in Canada. You can search by job type and by location.

Education Canada Network. Has job postings for teachers. Can find jobs by region.

Health Saskatchewan Careers. Web site posts job openings in the Saskatchewan health care system.

Human Resources & Develoment Canada. Government of Canada Web Site. Information about how to find jobs. Links to other sites posting job openings.

Job Canada. A user-friendly website for the Toronto and surrounding areas. Site is updated every Friday. Offers free resume posting and live help.

Job Government Canada. Web site with jobs available in the Federal Civil Service. The site is bilingual, French and English. Bilingual site. Can search for jobs and post your resume. Career center portion has information on resumes and interviews. Has self-assessment exercises related to work style, personality, career, job seekers and human resources.

SaskJobs.Ca. Saskatchewan Government web site with information about jobs available in Saskatchewan. Jobs can be searched by geographical region or by occupational area.

SaskJobs.Com. Jobs available in Saskatchewan. Can search for jobs by occupational area.

Saskatchewan Government Jobs - The Career Center. Saskatchewan Government job opportunities can be found on the web site.

Telus Center. Jobs available from the Telus Center.

Work Info Net. Sponsored by Government of Canada. This site has educational information, career counselling information and advertisements for jobs. This is a Canadian internet site. The site has jobs listed by job type and location.

Resume Writing Links

Accent Resume Writing. Good web site. Site has resume writing tips, examples of resumes and critiques of resumes. Site also has covering letter tips and examples of covering letters.

CareerCity Jobs and Employment. Site has information about many aspects of job searches, including networking, resumes, covering letters and interviewing. Explains a little about writing resumes and covering letters and gives examples of resumes and covering letters. Site has sample questions that can be asked during interviews for some occupations.

Interviewing and Resume Information. University of Mississippi site. Has information on job search, typical questions asked at interviews, questions to ask employers, resume writing, covering letters and follow-up letters. Resume section has action words to use in skills-based resumes. - Resume Center. Resume components, resume dos and don'ts, sample resumes, targeting resumes by industry, resume dilemmas and covering letters. Site sells some related services. Gives free brief tips on resume writing.

Ten Minute Resume. Web site asks questions. As you answer the questions, you are creating a resume. While this is a simple method of completing a resume, the resume completed might not satisfy the requirements for a school course. Creating a good resume requires a significant amount of time.

The Damn Good Resume. Site gives a brief overview of things to include in a resume and how to handle some common problems when writing a resume.