[G.GPE.6] Expressing Geometric Properties With Equations #6


Common Core Text:

    • [G.GPE.6] Find the point on a directed line segment between two given points that partitions the segment in a given ratio



We'll learn this one through an example, and summarize once we're finished

Example 1

You're designing a bike trail from point A to point C. You want it to have two themes. The theme for the first part of the trial will be "woods", with lots of trees. The second theme will be "desert" with lots of rocks and cacti. You decide that the ratio of woods to desert will be 3:2. At what point along the trail will you need to switch from woods to desert?

Our ratio is 3:2 woods to desert. So we need to find the point on this line so that three parts will be woods for every two parts that are desert.

Whenever I see a ratio, my first goal is to convert it to a fraction. Fractions are generally much easier to do math with. So let's convert.

3:2 = 3 parts woods : 2 parts desert

So 3/5 of the trail will be woods and 2/5 of the trail will trail will be desert. We know we did this correctly because 3/5 + 2/5 = 1.

Now that we have a fraction, we can start doing some math. Starting at A, we know we must go 3/5 of the way to B before we switch themes. The easiest way is to take 3/5 of the x-distance and 3/5 of the y-distance. So, how long are these distances? As always, whenever we have a sloped line and we want to know x and y information, we draw a triangle.

I can see that I went from 4 to 12 in the x direction, so the x component is 8. I went from 2 to 8 in the y direction, so the y component is 6.

Well, we only want 3/5 of these distances, so we multiply them by 3/5

And so we've gotten that the point (8.8, 5.6) will partition our trail into 3:2 woods to desert.

Like to check your answers? Here's how.

Use Pythagorean Theorem to find AE, the part that is woods

AE2 = 4.82 + 3.62 = 23.04 + 12.96 = 36

AE = 6

Use Pythagorean Theorem to find EC, the part that is desert

EC2 = 3.22 + 2.42 = 10.24 + 5.76 = 16

EC = 4

So, woods to desert is 6:4. Is this the same as 3:2? There are lots of ways to check, but dividing is the easiest

6 ÷ 4 = 1.5

3 ÷ 2 = 1.5

The ratios are the same, so we know we got our answer right.


How did we partition a line segment by a given ratio?

  • Convert the ratio to a fraction (often you'll just be given a fraction anyways)

  • Find the x and y components of the line segment

  • Multiply the x and y components by our fraction to get the components of our partitioning point

  • Add these components to the starting point to get the coordinates of our partitioning point


Practice your skills

We're almost there. Now we just need to start at A (4, 2), and go 4.8 in the x direction and 3.6 in the y direction.

x coordinate of new point = 4 + 4.8 = 8.8

y coordinate of new point = 2 + 3.6 = 5.6

The picture below shows this.