Basic Graphing


Given a graph of a point, write the point as an ordered pair.


Write the point shown in the graph as an ordered pair

Every graph has three important parts



Answer: (2,4)

Every point has two numbers

1. X-axis: the horizontal line

2. Y-axis: the vertical line

3. Origin: the point where the X-axis and Y-axis intersect


There are 2 ways to find points.


The X-coordinate is always first!

An ordered pair has an X-coordinate and a Y-coordinate. We write it with the a comma between the two coordinates, and parenthesis.

~The second number is the Y-coordinate. It tells you how many places you move up (positive) or down (negative).

~The first number is the X-coordinate. It tells you how many places you move to the right (positive) or left (negative).

Way 1: Distance from the origin

Example 1

Example 2

Starting at the origin, count the spaces along the X-axis until you are directly under (or above) the point. Then, count the spaces up (or down) to reach the point.

Way 2: Distance from the axes

Example 3

Moving above or to the right of the origin give positive numbers, while moving below or to the left of the origin give negative numbers.

Example 4

You can also simply count spaces from the axes. From the X-axis, we go down 2. From the Y-axis, we go right 3

[Remember down and left are negative.]

In this example, the point is on the X-axis. Since we don't need to move up or down at all, our y-coordinate will be 0.

Example 5


Practice your skills


(Be careful of how the axes are labeled)

Answer: (1,2)
