18 November 2014

Post date: Nov 19, 2014 2:53:52 PM

Emma Nelson gave a presentation to the group, which explored the use of an agent-based approach to modelling fertility in Europe, and Germany in particular. This work involved utilising two prominent theories within the field, and exploring as to whether or not agent-based modelling (ABM) can extend our knowledge of them. The talk demonstrated how, by creating two ABMs, it becomes possible to empirically compare the ideas contained within these two theories. Thus highlighting how this approach can be incredibly useful in a field that has not been quick to adopt the use of computational modelling.

The presentation gave rise to a number of interesting and far reaching points of discussion. These ranged from how modellers choose the model variables that they do and the limitations placed upon them, to how the adoption of a new scientific methodology can advance work in a given area.

The interested reader may find the speaker's personal blog to be of interest.