
Osmo is a device that changes how young children interact with an iPad. Using a stand and a mirror, it connects the tabletop in front of the iPad with what is happening on the screen.

To set up:

  1. Remove the protective case from the iPad.
  2. Put the iPad in the white base.
  3. Put the red reflector on top of the iPad, over the front-facing camera. Put the thicker part facing you.

Try it: Open the following Osmo apps (in the Osmo folder) and try them out:

    • Words – Try out your spelling skills individually and with a partner. Check out the additional albums.
    • Numbers: Add, count and multiply tiles to pop number bubbles.
    • Tangram - Practice your spatial skills. Can you get to the Hard level? (To get to Harder, you have to master 4 Hard challenges) Can you work with a partner where one gives directions and the other places the pieces?
    • Newton – Manipulate physical objects and lines so the falling drops hit the target.
    • Monster: Draw objects for Mo and put them in his world to create animated adventures.
    • Coding Awbie: Use physical blocks to control Awbie, a character who loves strawberries. Each block is a coding command.
    • Coding Jam: Compose music by arranging coding blocks into patterns and sequences.
    • Pizza Company: Run and grow a business using math and money skills.
    • If you have time, try out Masterpiece where you can trace the outline of one of the existing drawings, a photo you take, or one you find online. You can re-scale objects and add more than one object on the screen.

Think about ways you might use these apps at the elementary level.

Sample lessons: https://www.playosmo.com/en/schools/