Terry W. Sloope

Terry W. Sloope served as the chair of the Magnolia Chapter from 1999 - 2011. He lives in Cartersville. His biography of Rudy York is included as part of the SABR BioProject, as are his biographical profiles of Bob Gibson and Curt Flood which were originally included in Drama and Pride in the Gateway City: The 1964 St. Louis Cardinals (U. of Nebraska Press, 2013). He also was a contributing author to Scott Ferkovich's Tigers By the Tale: Great Games at Michigan and Trumbull (SABR; 2016), Gary Land's Growing Up With Baseball (University of Nebraska Press; 2004) and David L. Porter's Latin and African-American Athletes Today: A Biographical Dictionary (Greenwood Press; 2004). He made a presentation on William "Jumbo" Barrett, a minor league catcher from the 1920s, at a chapter Hot Stove League meeting, and another at the 2018 Southern Association Conference on the controversial end to the league's 1928 season. He served as the Chairperson for SABR 40, the annual convention that was held in Atlanta in August 2010.