Jim Riley

Jim Riley and his wife, Dottie, live in Woodstock, Georgia. Jim is a former SABR President and is widely recognized as a leading authority on the Negro Leagues. His book, The Biographical Encyclopedia of the Negro Baseball Leagues is a seminal work on black baseball. He also has penned biographies of Buck Leonard (The Black Lou Gehrig ;1995) Monte Irvin (Nice Guys Finish First;1996) and Ray Dandridge, Leon Day and Willie Wells (Dandy, Day and the Devil). His most recent book, Of Monarchs and Black Barons: Essays on Baseball's Negro Leagues (McFarland: 2012) is an anthology of selected articles Jim has written over the years that were originally published in other outlets, many of which are no longer available. He is a two-time winner of the MacMillan-SABR Baseball Research Award (now known as the McFarland-SABR Research Award).