
King Arthur: between legend and reality

Arthur was a British king who lived during the "Dark Ages" in Britain. He fought against the Saxons who wanted to conquer England.

1. Read about this period and answer these questions:

What period of British History is Known as Dark Ages?


2. But, What do we really know about Arthur? Read about him and give as much information as possible.

3. Now we are going to know the legendary character.Read about his childhood and complete his family tree. Family tree

Nobody knew that Arthur was the son of a king. When he was 15 years old he forgot his foster-brother's (hermanastro)sword for a tournament.

4. What happened then? Read that chapter of his life.

After this incredible event Arthur was crowned king of Britain at the age of 15. Things were not easy for him. Read about it and answer all these questions:

5. Who helped Arthur to rule Britain? 6. Who gave him the magic sword? What's its name?

After great success in different battles against the Saxons Arthur was considered a brave king. Read about this good period in his life and answer the following questions:

7. Where was King Arthur's palace?

8. Who did he marry? What did they receive as a wedding present?

9. Who were the "knights of the Round Table"?

But Arthur was not successful in love. His wife fell in love with another man.

10. Who was that man? What was his name? You can find the answers here.

Let's go on a tour of Arthur's Britain. Find on this site the real places where:

11. Arthur was born

12. The graves of Arthur and Guinevere were

13. Merlin did his magic

14. Camelot is

15. You can see the Round Table


You are the king or the queen of a very small country. You need twelve counsellors to sit at your round table who will be of great help in your important decisions. Choose among your friends, classmates or family those twelve persons who would sit around your table.

Explain who they are and then justify your choice


Lola Aceituno