
Excretory System

Watch these videos that have been subtitled for you.

You should click on "Choose language": English, in order to see the subtitles.

The Urinary system

pint: medio litro

filtrate: líquido filtrado

renal vein: vena renal

to remain: permanecer

waste: deshecho

funnel-shaped: forma de embudo

bladder: vejiga

to release: soltar, liberar

Anatomy of a Kidney

coiled tubule: tubo enrollado

inch: pulgada

(2.54 cm)

glomerular tuft: glomérulo

ducts: conductos

Loop of Henle : túbulo renal

Watch the first two videos

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Lola Aceituno and Pablo Gomariz

I.E.S. Llanes, Sevilla