July 11, 2014

Post date: Jul 13, 2014 1:36:01 AM

Theme: Soccer Frenzy and FIFA

Attendance: 9

Grace presented her second speech tonight, Project 2, Organize Your Speech. Her topic, "Disposable Plastic", was about how damaging plastics are to the environment. Ernie shared with us his joke about insurance scammers trying to figure out how to create a hurricane to collect a bogus insurance claim. Irene chaired the meeting and provided lots of insights about how Toastmasters run their meetings differently around the world.

Welcome to our guest from West Vancouver, Ian! We're so glad you made the 1h 45m drive out to visit us. Your visit charmed us.

The next meeting is July 25. Neptune is chairing, so please forward your role selections to him. See you there!