February 25, 2012

Post date: Feb 25, 2012 10:31:48 PM

Linsanity swept our club by storm today. Nascent NBA star Jeremy Lin was the inspiration for today's theme, inspiring the thought of the day, the toast, and the table topics. How remarkable that a young Harvard graduate playing professional basketball should touch our club here in Richmond.

In addition to the Linsation sensation, we had our usual two speakers. Patrick gave a presentation entitled "Lucky Penny?" about how inconvenient pennies are in Canadian society. He left us with many thoughts about the scourge of evil pennies wreaking havoc in our daily commerce. Rachel presented her thoughts on the advice she wants to share with her seventeen-year-old daughter before she goes to university in eastern Canada. A mother's love doesn't end, though she eventually has to let her children leave the nest and grow up.

We had two guests today: Olivia and Chat. We hope they'll join our company again next time.

And when is next time? March 9, 7:30 p.m. See you there!