Garry Point - Attack of the Malicious Mosquitoes

Post date: Aug 29, 2010 1:14:51 AM

Today we had a fantastic walk about Garry Point Park observing the flora and fauna.

Birds spotted: Ringbill gulls, barn swallows, mallards

Other animals spotted: sunbathing turtles, Galloway cows

There were kite surfers with their tricycles zooming across the park; modern art in the form of a giant needle and "waves"; cargo ships sailing down the river, laden with goods.

We followed our walk with lunch at Cimona. The food and prices were generally good. The mosquitoes were bad. They would not stop molesting us with their wicked stingers and hellish buzz.

We ended along the waterfront in Steveston, watching people wait for hours in line for Fraser River Sokeye Salmon. Of course, the wharf is generally always busy.