Aug.04, 2012: Kaizen

Post date: Aug 6, 2012 1:27:45 AM

We moved our July second meeting to Aug.04 so that everyone had a chance to benefit from Darren LaCroix's public speaking training on Jul.28. Our theme for today is Kaizen (改善). "Kaizen" means getting small but continuous improvements. We can use the process of "kaizen" to improve almost every aspect of our life, e.g., study, work, relationships, and public speaking skills! Irene, Anne, Ernie, Lynn, Zoey, Edmond, Samantha, Patrick, Catherine, Carol, Edwin, and Jacky attended this meeting. Our chairman Edmond did a good job making this meeting very smooth and enjoyable. We had two prepared speakers today: Edwin presented his thought on the relationship between the digital world and human interaction; Zoey talked about the situation and concerns of child physical punishment in China. Lynn held a very interesting table topic setion. We also enjoyed a funny joke brought by our welcomed guest Jacky.