Aug.25, 2012 Meeting

Post date: Aug 27, 2012 6:23:53 AM

We had a wonderful meeting today. Edmond was the chairman and he made the meeting very enjoyable. The meeting atmosphere was friendly and supportive as usual. We laughed a lot. Thanks our humorist Anne for bringing us a very funny story. We had two prepared speakers today. Annie did a very good job on her CC Manual #3. Her topic was "Commute to work by bicycle". It was a very informative speech that showed us the benefits and challenges of cycling in the city. Ernie's contest speech "Strategic Planning Sessions" was well prepaid and delivered. He had a lot of visual aids that attracted our attention right away! Our table topic impromptu speeches were responses to some interesting movie scenes.

We had a welcomed guest Neptune today, and he became a new Leading Edge member! Congratulation and welcome Neptune!

Our next meeting will be on Sep.14, 2012. See you all then and welcome guests.