August 22, 2014

Post date: Aug 23, 2014 6:04:21 PM

Theme: PNE Time

Attendance: 9

What a fun and educational meeting we had tonight! We had two speakers: Grace and Ian. Grace presented a fascinating speech about her hometown of Chengdu, China. What's it like to live in a city with 1/3 of Canada's total population? According to Grace, it's like living in paradise. Ian gave a presentation about strengthening Toastmasters clubs. For example, members can use their cellphones to share messages about what a great time they are having during a meeting.

Welcome to our new member, Ian, who'll be competing in the humorous speech contest next meeting. Also, welcome to our guest Casper, who is visiting us from The Netherlands. His grandparents and Ernie's father in law became acquainted during World War II.

The next meeting is September 12. We will also have our club humorous and table topics speech contests in the same meeting.

Hope to see you there!