Leaving Home

Title: Leaving Home

Part: 1/1

Rating: PG.

Warnings: This is a story inspired by the World of Warcraft online game. So if you don't know about it, this fic might not make much sense to you.

Beta: No beta for this story.

Feedback: Yes please.

Disclaimer: I don't own World of Warcraft. I do however pay Blizzard entertainment for the right to play my dwarf priest Minvar on the Argent Dawn Server.

Summary: This is a short story about how Minvar left home to take on the world.

“I can't believe you're doing this.”

Minvar sighed at her mother's repeated statement from the open door behind her, as she went about her room, packing the last of her things.

“I know Momma. You've said so ten times already.”

Her mother's voice was stern as she spoke to her daughter's back.

“Don't you disrespect me young lady! I'm still your mother! No matter how many times your new high and mighty friends tell you that you're the greatest sensation since The Deeprun Tram, you're still just a child! No matter how powerful you think you are, you're just not ready for what's out there!”

Minvar rolled her eyes before she turned and faced her mother.

“Look Momma, I know what you want for me, but it's not what I want. I love you and Poppa, but I gotta go do this. I gotta go see what I can do. What the world holds for me.”

Her mother's eyes were worried and urgent.

“Death! That's what the worlds holds for you! For the King's Sake child, you've hardly entered your adult years and now you want to take on the whole world?”

Minvar's eyes lit up with excitement.

“Yes Momma! That's what I want! Take on the evil forces of the world! Show them that we will not stand for their cruel practises, and teach them what powers the light holds!”

Her mother looked down and her voice was small.

“By using shadows?”

Minvar felt the accusation in the words and swallowed hard, preparing to fight for her choice.

“If that's what it takes, yes. High Priest Rohan said himself that I am his most gifted apprentice in ages. That I'm destined for bigger things. Besides, you and Poppa have always said yourselves that opposites are so closely knit that it hardly matters which end you choose. Life or death. Love or hate. Light or shadow.”

Her mother's eyes filled with tears when she raised her gaze to meet her daughter's.

“But it's still a choice to be made. And you've chosen shadow.”

Minvar hugged her mother close and fought the tears herself as she said her goodbyes.

“Yes Momma, that's what I've chosen. But it's not forever. I'll come home again and I will follow in your footsteps as a healer. Like you've always wanted. I just need to see the world first. I need to test myself and get to know my own strengths and weaknesses.”

She felt herself locked in her mother's strong arms and knew that she was preparing to let her go. So she let it take it's course and finally she was released. Her mother's voice was slurred with her tears as she smoothed back her daughter's hair while fighting to regain some control over herself.

“Come back soon. Be safe. Light be with you my daughter.”

“And with you Momma.”

Minvar put on her backpack and with one last look at her small stone bedroom, she turned her back and left her birthplace to take on the world.

In Ironforge a lonely dwarven mother sobbed out her worry for her only child, as she saw her leave her family and safety behind to go risk her life. She knew she would not have a single easy night before her little girl was safely home again.
