Plus One

Title: Plus One.

Fandom: Star Trek DS9

Pairings: Garak/Bashir.

Rating: G

Warnings: None.

Beta: None.

Feedback: Yes please.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Some geezers in the movie and television industries do. Damn them.

Summary: Drabble (100 words). Diplomatic dinners are a lot less fun when you're not there to kill someone...

Link to this drabble on LJ and on DW and on AO3.

“Do I really have to join you?”

“The invitation said plus one, and no matter how we look at it, you're now my significant other,” Julian said calmly, ignoring Garak's pouting.

“I wouldn't mind if you invited someone else. Truly I wouldn't.”

“You're going, and that's final.” Julian fiddled with his tie until Garak stepped closer to adjust it for him.

“You know they're all going to give us those dirty looks. Again.”

“Don't worry, Elim. I'll protect you from the scary diplomats,” Julian smirked.

Garak glared. “Cute.”

“I thought it was.”
