
Title: Cute.

Series: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Pairings: Garak/Bashir.

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: None.

Beta: Not for this one.

Feedback: Yes please.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Some geezers in the movie and television industries do. Damn them.

Summary: Drabble (100 words). A bit of dress up.

Link to this drabble on AO3.

“What's so funny?”

Julian contained his snicker long enough to reply:

“You. You look so... cute!”

Garak turned an amusing shade of greyish purple.

“I protest! I may be many things, but cute certainly isn't amongst them! Divine maybe. Fiendishly handsome perhaps. I would even go so far as excruciatingly sexy. But cute?!”

Julian slid his arms around his lover's blushing neckridges.

“Oh, definitely! It renders a certain... adorable quality to your appearance.”

Softened by Julian's closeness, Garak sighed.

“I will never attend another one of your costume parties, if this is the reaction to a Cardassian in a toga...”