Tuckered Out

Title: Tuckered Out.

Series: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Pairings: Garak/Bashir.

Rating: PG.

Beta: Nope.

Feedback: Yes please.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Some geezers in the movie and television industries do. Damn them.

Summary: Drabble (100 words). War is a draining business.

Link to this drabble on AO3.

“Would it be mis-use of my doctor's privileges to order an emergency transport of my dinner from the replicator to the sofa?” Bashir mused.

Garak snorted, sprawled next to him. “Why stop there? Why not beam it directly into your stomach? Save yourself a lot of trouble.”

Bashir frowned. “I would like to taste it.”

“Aah, but that would require chewing. And honestly, who has the energy for that?”

“Good point,” Bashir sighed. “Maybe we should consider cutting down on our workload?”

Garak patted Bashir's thigh weakly. “It's wartime, my dear. No such option.”

“True. I'm still hungry, though.”