English version - Manifesto della Compagnia della Stella

The Compagnia Della Stella is a free association of friends beyond any distinction of sex, gender, religious belief or lack of it, age, ethnicity, socio-cultural level, etc. . , gathered around an idea and an occasion.

The occasion was the rediscovery of an ancient Florentine tradition, the one that from the end of the fourteenth century gave rise to the first true community celebration of Florence after those dedicated to the patron (the Virgin Mary, John the Baptist, Lorenzo , Reparata , Zanobi): the feast of the Magi, which was celebrated every "Epiphany Night" and every morning of January 6, and that had in the Society of the Magi his propelling engine, established in the Dominican convent of San Marco, and that had as its first great protectors the Strozzi family, and then that of the Medici.

The idea is to revive the Society under the new look inspired by the key symbol of the " Legend of the Kings " the Compagnia della Stella. Its members, freely united, meet periodically in convivial meetings and follow a free program of reconstruction of identity and of the authentic traditions of our land and of our roots. The Compagnia della Stella was born in Tuscany, between Florence and Lucca, where the cult of the Magi is particularly vivid, but it is open to the establishment of centers at any location - city, town, village, everywhere there was a cult linked to the Kings: Lombardy, Burgundy, Alsace, Lorraine, the Rhineland, Austria, Slovenia and Croatia, and transatlantic and cisatlantic Iberian world.

The Compagnia Della Stella will take care of cults and traditions; will propose studies and researches; will denounce the cases in which they are occurring phenomena of neglect and abandonment . Its goal is to act as "civil conscience " of a society with great cultural tradition and suffering from a deep crisis.

In order to promote that tradition and to get out of this crisis we freely gathered in an association open to all those provided with courage and determination.