Publications on Network Physiology

Book Chapters:

Ivanov PCh, Liu KKL, Lin A and Bartsch RP.

Network Physiology: From Neural Plasticity to Organ Network Interactions.

in "Emergent Complexity from Nonlinearity, in Physics, Engineering and the Life Sciences", [ PDF ]

edited by Mantica G, Stoop R, and Stramaglia S.

Springer Proceedings in Physics 191

Pages 145-165 Published: 2017

Ivanov PCh and Bartsch RP.

Network Physiology: Mapping Interactions Between Networks of Physiologic Networks. [ PDF ]

In "Networks of Networks: the last Frontier of Complexity",

edited by D'Agostino G and Scala A.

Book Series: Understanding Complex Systems Springer Complexity

Pages: 203-222 Published: 2014

Peer-Reviewed Articles and Conference Proceedings:

Ivanov PCh, Wang JWJL, and Zhang X.

Signal processing in Network Physiology: quantifying network dynamics of organ interactions. [PDF]

2020 28th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2021, pp. 945-949.

doi: 10.23919/Eusipco47968.2020.9287428

Rizzo R, Zhang X, Wang JWJL, Lombardi F, and Ivanov PCh.

Network Physiology of Cortico–Muscular Interactions [PDF]

Frontiers in Physiology. 2020; 11:558070.

Ivanov PCh, Liu KKL, and Bartsch RP.

Focus on the emerging new fields of network physiology and network medicine. [ PDF ]

New Journal of Physics, 2016; 18:100201.

Lin A, Liu KKL, Bartsch RP, and Ivanov PCh.

Delay-correlation landscape reveals characteristic time delays of brain rhythms and heart interactions [ PDF ]

Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 2016, 374: 20150182.

Moorman J. R., Lake D. E., and Ivanov PCh.

Early Detection of Sepsis—A Role for Network Physiology? [ PDF ]

Critical Care Medicine, 2016, 44(5): e312–e313

Bartsch RP, Liu KKL, Bashan A, and Ivanov PCh.

Network Physiology: how organ systems dynamically interact. [ Open access ] [ PDF ]

PLOS ONE, 2015, 10(11): e0142143

Liu KKL, Bartsch RP, Lin A, Mantegna RN, and Ivanov PCh.

Plasticity of brain wave network interactions and evolution across physiologic states. [ PDF ]

Frontiers in Neural Circuits, 2015; 9:62

Liu KKL, Bartsch RP, Ma QDY, and Ivanov PCh.

Major component analysis of dynamic networks of physiologic organ interactions. [ PDF ]

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2015; 640, 012013

Bartsch PR and Ivanov PCh.

Coexisting forms of coupling and phase-transitions in physiological networks. [ PDF ]

Communications in Computer and Information Science 2014; 438: 270-287

Ivanov PCh, Bartsch RP, Bashan A, Kantelhardt JW, Havlin S.

Physiologic networks: topological and functional transitions across sleep stages.

Sleep 2012; 35 Supplement S: A52-A53

Bashan A, Bartsch RP, Kantelhardt JW, Havlin S, Ivanov PCh.

Network physiology reveals relations between network topology and physiologic function. [ PDF ]

Nature Communications 2012; 3: 702 doi: 10.1038/ ncomms1705.