Publications on Condensed Matter, Excitable Media and Random Walks

Book Chapters:

Ivanov PCh.

Random Walks in Physiologic Dynamics.

In "Advances in Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics", edited by Korutcheva E, Cuerno R. New York:

Nova Science Publishers; 2004; p.155-175.

Peer-Reviewed Articles and Conference Proceedings:

Carretero-Campos C, P, Ivanov PCh, Carpena P.

Phase transitions in the first-passage time of scale-invariant correlated processes. [ PDF ]

Physical Review E 2012; 85(1): 011139(6).

de la Casa MA, de la Rubia FJ, Ivanov PCh.

Spiral wave annihilation by low-frequency planar fronts in a model of excitable media. [ PDF ]

Europhysics Letters 2009; 86(1):18005.

de la Casa MA, de la Rubia FJ, Ivanov PCh.

Patterns of phase-dependent spiral wave attenuation in excitable media. [ PDF ]

Physical Review E 2007; 75(5):051923(5).

de la Casa MA, de la Rubia FJ, Ivanov PCh.

Patterns of spiral wave attenuation by low-frequency periodic planar fronts. [ PDF ]

Chaos 2007; 17(1):015109(8).

Carpena P, Bernaola-Galvan P, Ivanov PCh.

New class of level statistics in correlated disordered chains [ PDF ]

Physical Review Letters 2004; 93(17):176804(4).

Ivanova K, Ackerman TP, Clothiaux EE, Ivanov PCh, Stanley HE, Ausloos M.

Time correlations and 1/f behavior in backscattering radar reflectivity measurements from cirrus cloud ice fluctuations. [ PDF ]

J. Geophys. Res. 2003;108(D9):4268.

Ivanov PCh, Carpena P, Bernaola-Galvan P, Stanley HE.

Electronic delocalization in finite one-dimensional correlated-disordered Binary Solids.

In "Unsolved Problems of Noise and Fluctuations", edited by Bezrukov SM. UPoN 2002: Third International Conference, Washington, USA. American Institute of Physics [AIP Conf. Proc. 665]. New York: Melville; 2003; p. 606-613.

Carpena P, P, Ivanov PCh, Stanley HE.

Metal-insulator transition in chains with correlated disorder. [ PDF ]

Nature 2002;418:955-959; and 2003;421(6924):764-764.

Stanley HE, Amaral LAN, Gopikrishnan P, Ivanov PCh, Keitt TH, Plerou V.

Scale invariance and universality: organizing principles in complex systems. [ PDF ]

Physica A 2000;281:60-68.

Havlin S, Buldyrev SV, Bunde A, Goldberger AL, Ivanov PCh, Peng C-K, Stanley HE.

Scaling in nature: from DNA through heartbeats to weather. [ PDF ]

Physica A 1999;273:46-69.

Havlin S, ,Buldyrev SV, ,Goldberger AL, ,Ivanov PCh, Peng C-K, Stanley HE, Viswanathan GM.

Scaling properties of DNA sequences and heartbeat rate.

In “The Physics of Complex Systems”, edited by Mallamace F, Stanley HE. Proceedings of the Inter- national School of Physics “Enrico Fermi” Course CXXXIV; Amsterdam: IOS Press; 1997. p. 445–472.

Makse HA, Havlin S, Ivanov PCh, King P, Prakash S, Stanley HE.

Pattern formation in sedimentary rocks: connectivity, permeability and spatial correlations. [ PDF ]

Physica A 1996;233:587–605.

Makse HA, Davies GW, Havlin S, Ivanov PCh, King P, Stanley HE.

Long-range correlations in permeability fluctuations in porous rock. [ PDF ]

Physical Review E 1996;54:3129–3134.

Ivanov NB and Ivanov PCh.

Frustrated two-dimensional quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet at low temperatures. [ PDF ]

Physical Review B 1992;46:8206-8213.

Chubukov AV, Ivanova KI, Ivanov PCh, Korutcheva ER.

Quantum ferrimagnets.

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 1991;3:2665–2677. [ PDF ]

Gochev I, Ivanov PCh.

On the trial wave functions in the theory of low-dimensional antiferromagnets.

Proceedings of the International Conference on Strongly correlated electron systems. 1989;464-470; Dubna, USSR.

Gochev I, Ivanov NB, Ivanov PCh.

A new approach to calculation of energy of s=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet using variational Gutzwiller wave function.

Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 1988;1:1037–1042.