
Focus issue highlights Network Physiology (now open) [PDF]

Medical Physics Web

November 10, 2016

Revealing the network within [PDF]

Physics World - by John Cartwright

February, 2016

Bringing big data to bear on organ failure [PDF]

The Boston Globe - by Kevin Hartnett

November 11, 2015

How a living organ ‘ATLAS’ could help save lives in the ER [PDF]

Healthy Orbit - by Cat Wilson

September 30, 2015

Interview: BU physics on creating new, math-driven field of medicine [PDF]

The Daily Free Press - by Ross Hsu

September 29, 2015

How an ‘ATLAS’ of living organs could save lives [PDF]

Futurity - by Kate Becker

September 28, 2015

Mapping the Body's Internet [PDF]

Boston University Research Story - by Kate Becker

September 9, 2015

When Networks Network [PDF]

Science News

September 22, 2012, Vol. 182(6) p.18, by Elizabeth Quill

Phase Synchronization: A New Form of Cardio-Respiratory Coupling [PDF]

Research Round up - Brigham and Women's Hospital Clinical and Research News

August 6, 2012

Sleep Disorders and Neurodegenerative Diseases [PDF]

e-Journal of Age Management Medicine - Age Management Medicine Group (AMMG)

July 2012, by Preetam Schramm

Physiological Networks and the Body's Complex Communications [PDF]

Research Round up - Brigham and Women's Hospital Clinical and Research News

April 12, 2012

American Physical Society Fellow - Plamen Ch. Ivanov [PDF]

Awards - Brigham and Women's Hospital Newsroom

February 7, 2011

Morning madness [PDF]

Research highlights - Nature Medicine

Nature Medicine 11, 125 (2005) by Charlotte Schubert

Heartbeat linked to body clock - Study finds erratic patterns in morning [PDF]

The Washington Post

January 4, 2005, by Guy Gugliotta

Why Do Heart Attacks Occur Most Frequently Between 9 And 11 Am? [PDF]

Inside Science Research - Physics News Update, American Institute of Physics

Number 713 #1, December 27, 2004 by Phil Schewe and Ben Stein


- Statistical physics approach to analysis of heartbeat pattern uncovers link to circadian cycle [PDF]

News Release - Boston University Media Relations

December 2004, by Ann Marie Menting

Heart Rhythms Seem Circadian in Nature [PDF]

Scientific American

December 21, 2004, by Sarah Graham

Migraine Sufferers Exhibit "Hypersynchronized" Brain Activity [PDF]

Inside Science Research - Physics News Update, American Institute of Physics

Number 679 #2, April 1, 2004 by Phil Schewe and Ben Stein

A Healthy Heart Is a Fractal Heart [PDF]

SIAM News - Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

SIAM NEWS, Vol 36, Number7, September, 2003, by Barry A. Cipra

Mysterious ways of the heart - New understanding may lead to earlier diagnoses [PDF]

EurekAlert! - American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

February 11, 2001, by Randy Atkins

Your heart is being closely watched while you're asleep [PDF]

EurekAlert! - American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

November 30, 1999, by Jens Thomas

Multifractality in human heartbeat dynamics [PDF]

Math in the Media - American Mathematical Society

July/August 1999, by Tony Phillips

Focus: Separating the Good Hearts from the Bad [PDF]

Physical Review Focus - American Physical Society

Phys. Rev. Focus 2, 12 (1998), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevFocus.2.12

Detecting a sound heartbeat [PDF]

Science News

September 28, 1996, Vol. 150 No. 13 p. 196 by I. Peterson