
Postdoctoral Research Associates

We seek a postdoctoral fellow to join our group who will participate in ongoing projects on dynamical interactions among physiological organ systems, and to develop new research initiatives in Network Physiology. The fellow will be supported by the W. M. Keck Foundation research grant - Atlas of Dynamical Interactions among Organ Systems.

The candidate will have strong background knowledge of statistical physics methods, nonlinear dynamics and nonlinear time series analysis, data processing, and modeling of complex networks. Interested candidates should send a letter of interest, CV, and contact information for three references to

Graduate Student Research Assistants

A Research Assistant position for a M.S. or PhD student is available in the group of Prof. Shlomo Havlin at Bar-Ilan University, Israel. The position will be supported by a BSF grant between Bar-Ilan University and Boston University, and the successful candidate will be involved in an active collaboration with the Network Physiology Laboratory of Prof. Ivanov at Boston University. For inquiries please contact Prof. Havlin ( ) or

Visiting Professor and Faculty on Sabbatical Leave

Please send your resume and a statement of research interests to