Weighted Rankings

Post date: Oct 13, 2019 11:26:37 AM

Seven weeks into the season, I think we can start giving extra credit for quality opponents. If you played someone above zero, which is a team in the top 68 right now that’s the first bonus tier. The next one is 0.15, which is the top 39 right now. The highest tier is 0.3, which is the highest 19 teams right now. That’s in the unweighted system. So the unweighted system is the base, and the bonus tiers go on top of that to create the weighted system. So if you beat someone who’s 15th in the weighted system, it’s possible that they’re not in the top 19 in the unweighted system.

I think the best result is to average the weighted and unweighted systems. This is a little tricky because the numbers are so different, but the range from #1 to #130 in the unweighted system is 1/50 the range in the weighted system. So I zero out the worst teams and then I average weighted score with unweighted score times 50.