
Last ratings

Notes for select teams are below the ratings.

One additional note: I modified the way I averaged the weighted rank with the unweighted rank. I noticed that actually the unweighted rank was actually already factored into the weighted rank multiple times. When I subtracted the extra numbers, it resulted in relatively small total numbers among the better teams (they had been well over 200).

For more explanation of weighted ratings and how the averages are calculated, see here. The numbers look a little different this week because I changed some details about how the averages are calculated and how losses are treated in the weighted ratings.

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The following list is a normal function of my formula, but it's still something worth noting. If I don't adjust these ratings, very large negative numbers are produced by certain losses, and it gives too much weight to that one week. These teams have been given the minimum rating as opponents (not above) in place of their actual rating. These is only needed for teams with at least one FBS/I-A win. More teams are added to this list as teams have more losses relative to (usually, the one) win, then others are dropped later in the year (usually after their second or third win).




New Mexico

New Mexico St.

South Alabama