Reading Schedule

This is a list of reading assignment that is to be read approximately one chapter a day for those who insist on reading from beginning to end in a sequential flow.


It flies through the storyline ignoring things like the dreams of Lehi, Isaiah chapters, Zenos' allegory that requires more effort in study.


However, it still goes through talks such as in Mosiah 3 where it introduces Christ, and discussion of the Ten Commandments in Mosiah 13 and the details of the resurrection in Alma 40-42 to uncover doctrines related to the first 5 lessons in Preach My Gospel bit by bit, yet keeps the reading moving.


1 Nephi 1

1 Nephi 10

1 Nephi 19

1 Nephi 22:15-31

2 Nephi 2

2 Nephi 9

2 Nephi 10:1-8,20-25

2 Nephi 11

2 Nephi 25

2 Nephi 31

2 Nephi 32

2 Nephi 33

Words of Mormon

Mosiah 3

Mosiah 11:20-29

Mosiah 12

Mosiah 13

Mosiah 16

Mosiah 17

Mosiah 18

Alma 11:21-46

Alma 12:12-18,20-37

Alma 34

Alma 40

Alma 41

Alma 42

Helaman 5:1-17

Helaman 8:11-24

3 Nephi 11

3 Nephi 15

3 Nephi 18

3 Nephi 24-25

3 Nephi 26

3 Nephi 27

3 Nephi 29

3 Nephi 30

Mormon 7

Mormon 9

Ether 12

Moroni 1-6

Moroni 7

Moroni 10