Lesson 3: Member Missionary Work (Part 1)

“All around the world, missionaries are responding to this testimony-driven joy in sharing the gospel. Many of them are entering the MTC with their own marked and well-studied copies of the missionary guide Preach My Gospel. I am pleased to report that with the use of Preach My Gospel, they are increasingly able to teach in their own words by the power of the Spirit and are better able to adjust their lessons to the needs of those whom they are teaching. As a result they are having meaningful impact on many lives.

“But quite frankly, what they need now is more people to teach. Experience has shown that the best teaching situations develop when our members participate in the finding and teaching process. This is nothing new – you've heard it before. Some of you may even feel guilty that you are not giving much help to the missionaries.

“Today I invite you to relax and set aside your concerns and focus instead on your love for the Lord, your testimony of His eternal reality, and your gratitude for all He has done for you. If you are truly motivated by love and testimony and gratitude, you will quite naturally do all that you can to assist the Lord in “[bringing] to pass the immortality and eternal life” of our Father's children. In fact, it would be impossible to keep you from doing it.”

Faith, Love, Joy, Spirit

“member missionary work does not require the development of strategies or gimmicks. It does require faith - real faith and trust in the Lord. It also requires genuine love.”

Key Point#1: Love

“Some members say, “I'm afraid to share the gospel because I might offend someone.” Experience has shown that people are not offended when the sharing is motivated by the spirit of love and concern. How could anyone be offended when we say something like this: “I love the way my church helps me” and then add whatever the Spirit directs. It's when we appear only to be fulfilling and assignment and we fail to express real interest and love that we offend others. Don't ever forget, brothers and sisters, that you and I have in our possession the very points of doctrine that will bring people to the Lord. The restored gospel of Jesus Christ has within it the power to bring deep and abiding happiness to the human soul – something that will be valued and cherished for the rest of time and for all eternity. We are not just trying to get people to join our Church; we are sharing with them the fullness of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. But as powerful as our message is, it cannot be imposed or force upon people. It can only be shared – heart to heart, soul to soul, spirit to spirit – by being good neighbors and by caring and showing love. We need to be watchful for one another and reach out to one another. And as we do so, we will radiate the gospel in our own lives, and it will radiate to the people the blessings the gospel has to offer.”

Key Point#2: Faith

“More than 20 years ago I suggested that the key to successful member missionary work is the exercise of faith. One way to show your faith in the Lord and His promises is to prayerfully set a date to have someone prepared in this simple way. Even though families had no one in mind with whom they could share the gospel, they set a date, prayed, and then talked to many more people. The Lord is the Good Shared, and He knows His sheep who have been prepared to hear His voice. He will guide us as we seek His divine help in sharing His gospel.”

Key Point #3: Joy

“A sister in France was asked about the secret of her success. She said, “I simply share my joy. I treat everyone as if they were already a member of the church. If I'm standing by someone in line and strike up a conversation, I share with them how much I enjoyed my Church meetings on Sunday. When co-workers ask, 'What did you do this weekend?' I do not skip from Saturday night to Monday morning. I share with them that I went to church, what was said, and my experiences with the Saints. I talk about how I live, think and feel.”

Those who speak easily and often of the restored gospel prize what it has meant to them. They think of that great blessing often. It is the memory of the gift they have received which makes them eager for others to receive it.”

Key Point #4: The Spirit

“There is no single pattern in what they do. There is no common technique. Some always carry a Book of Mormon to give away. Others set a date to find someone for the missionaries to teach. Another has found questions which draw out feelings about what matters most in life to a person. Each has prayed to know what to do. They each seem to get a different answer, suited especially to them and to the people they meet.

President Gordon B. Hinckley said:

“It will be a great day when our people not only pray for the missionaries throughout the world, but ask the Lord to help them to assist the missionaries who are laboring in their own ward.”

Topic to study:

You will often come across an investigator who does not know the importance of commandments. Many will say that you just need to be a good person, and don't do bad things. Others argue that since the Law of Moses has been fulfilled, all you need to do is Love thy Neighbor as thyself and hence you do not need to keep the Ten Commandments. Your task is to again use the scriptures to show the necessity of keeping the commandments in these latter-days. (Hint: Faith and Works. Also search in Romans and also in Doctrine and Covenants 42)

The aim is for you to understand how commandments are a standard, an ensign upon which we will be judged upon. How it is through keeping the commandments that we show our faith and be justified. However, also take note that we are not saved by works alone as some people claim we are.